How can we possibly fix the maladies created by social media of the previous decades?
The recent revelations by whistleblower Frances Haugen about Facebook are nothing new but they have once again stirred up the debate around — “Is something fundamentally wrong with Facebook, or does Facebook just mirror humanity?”
If the latter is true, it would mean that humanity is not great! Otherwise just using an online service how could people turn the world into an angrier and more polarised place? Research suggests otherwise — “our intuitive responses, or first instincts, tend to lead to cooperation rather than selfishness”. And that, “…we are an overwhelmingly cooperative species, willing to give for the good of the group even when it comes at our own personal expense”.
Facebook has connected the world at a scale never seen before. What could possibly be wrong with this connectedness?
One very important variable “missing” from Facebook’s connectedness, which is fundamental to human connection and communication, is face to face interaction.
What makes humans humane is EMPATHY. And we are much more empathetic when we are interacting face to face — our mind subconsciously senses signals from change in voice pitch, facial expressions and body language. Haven’t you come across people who send a very nasty email but are much mellow during face to face conversation about the same topic?
Another important aspect related to face to face interaction is synchronicity. On a platform such as Facebook when messages are exchanged asynchronously, people in the conversation can be in very different CONTEXTS and thus, mindsets. In such a case, one can easily misinterpret a message they receive.
There’s no denying the fact that Facebook has connected the world at a scale never seen before, but the EMPATHY quotient and CONTEXT quotient of the said connectedness is VERY LOW. And that’s why at such an ENORMOUS SCALE of usage, the service has resulted in a world which is angrier and more polarised.
How can we possibly fix the problem?
We need to bring back EMPATHY and CONTEXT into the equation of what it means to be connected. This does not mean getting rid of online communication tools. This means it’s time for the world to meet the next generation of social network — one which enables MORE and BETTER real world exchanges and connections.
There is huge potential value to be unlocked when we improve local network density.
Personal Note
Two years ago, just a few months before the pandemic hit (!!), a friend and I decided to embark on our entrepreneurial journey to find a solution to this most pressing problem.
Did the knowledge of other failed startups with similar purpose, or the pandemic deter us? If they did, I won’t be writing this today. In fact, I am happy to announce that we have just started beta testing our platform, Lomads, in Paris with limited number of users.
You will be hearing more from me and my team in the coming weeks.
It is a formidable task that we have taken on, and we need every possible help that we can muster. Write to me if you can support us in any way — feedback, funding, referring someone etc.
Let’s solve this problem!